Sunday, September 30, 2012

OMG!!!!!! Gateway Arch!

I just got out of the Gateway Arch.  It was great BUT I am claustrophobic and my first clue should have been the "ticket" they gave me with the seat assignment in the "Tram Capsule".  If you have ever been up in the Arch, you know what "capsule" means.  I thought being in the 48 Ford was tight.  This is truly a capsule!!!!! with 5 people and no air.  I did not know if I was going to be able to handle it but I had no choice once the doors closed.  The roof of the capsule was touching my head and we were in a half circle.  I can't even begin to describe this!  Once up to the top, it was ok.  I was anxious about getting back down though.  Then they had a "capsule" available for 3 people and Gary went to another one. Of course, the other two people in our capsule had to weigh at least 300#.  Talk about tight fit!  Anyway, I am still recovering.  Here are some pictures:

Do I look scared?

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